WWII German Army 3-Piece Mess Kit (8012)

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  • Regular price $75.99

We have 1 in stock.

WWII German Army Mess Kit 

(8012MOM-C)(UPS)(Blue Bin #16)

LIMITED ITEM. SURPLUS - PREVIOUSLY OWNED. Once they are gone, we may not get any more. Sold As Is - NON-REFUNDABLE.  

This rare (my understanding it is original) German Army WWII Mess Kit is in fantastic condition. After some research, I believe mess kits of this type were used for the German Army.  It is an aluminum three piece mess kit that we have owned for 20+ years.  We acquired it through a collector that needed to sell some of his collection. This item is large for mess kits and therefore, considered valuable for the soldiers who owned them.  What a great addition to any collection.

Features of the Mess Kit:

  • Condition: Previously Owned - excellent (some paint damage and a few minor dents)
  • Year of Manufacture: Unknown
  • Stamped on the unit: NAH 71 on the inner unit
  • The collector we purchase the unit from put a label on the back - see picture: "German type mess kit Bottom part used for soup Top used for Bread meat World War II"

LIMITED ITEM: Limited Availability. ONCE THEY ARE GONE WE WILL NOT GET ANY MORE.  Available for pickup in our store in Las Vegas, or make arrangements for the rifle to be shipped dealer to dealer to purchase.. The purchaser is responsible for conforming to all applicable Country, State and Local laws.  All items with a combined total of $100.00 or any collectable items (one of a kind) will be shipped with SIGNATURE REQUIRED.  

For info: Hahn's Surplus Policies